The latest in:
First Amendment
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Effros: Back To The Future
Since the midterm election is now over, despite us not knowing the exact makeup of the next Congress yet, it might be useful to review what it might mean for telecommunications policy.
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Effros: RED FLAG
I cannot explain why more hasn’t been said about a decision last week by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals regarding Texas law HB 20, but it could be the harbinger of some of the most significant changes to our understanding of the scope of the First Amendment in our lifetime.
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Misinformation in Media: First Amendment Takes Center Stage
Viewers are used to seeing political squabbling on the cable news networks, but on Wednesday, politicians were sparring over the cable news networks.
Effros: First Things First
I had hoped not to have to write this, but you might want to send it along to your elected officials and anyone else loudly demanding their “First Amendment rights” from Facebook, Twitter and the like
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Effros: Bias and the First Amendment
Debate over if bias is acceptable of if it violates the first amendment is heating up.
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FCC October Meeting
Our recap of the FCC’s October meeting, which saw the commission looking for comments on everything from the 3.5GHz band to Priority Access Licenses.