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AT&T Wants to Shake Up CBRS Operations
The FCC began a proceeding in August to take a fresh look at CBRS operations, and AT&T unveiled its vision for the future of the spectrum Wednesday.
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Digital Inclusion Week Begins
AT&T, Connected Nation and the International Center of Kentucky kicked off Digital Inclusion Week 2024. On Friday, AT&T teamed up with Human I-T to host a device distribution event,
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GWS Ranks Mobile, Broadband Connectivity Performance
The wireless network benchmarking company Global Wireless Solutions conducted its Nationwide Connectivity Experience Awards, which looks at broadband and mobile network performance across the U.S. Results
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Better Together: DirecTV, DISH Finally Becoming One
Everyone is still digesting the news that DirecTV and DISH are finally merging, and that’s in part because the ins and outs of the deal are anything but simple.
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Hurricane Helene Prep Mode
Preparations are being made as Hurricane Helene is expected to make landfall late Thursday. It’s currently a Category 3 storm, with concerns it could intensify even more. DirecTV is stepping in and working with local broadcasters and national weather services to launch a Severe Weather Channel
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Mobile Takes Flight at Schurz
Schurz Communications is the latest operator to launch mobile through NCTC’s MVNO.