The latest in:
Section 230
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Carr Says Musk Was Wronged, but He Won’t Play Favorites
There’s been a lot made about Brendan Carr’s friendliness with Elon Musk, but the incoming FCC chair told CNBC Friday that there’s no preferential treatment there.
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Effros: case sensitive
The communications law community was sort of holding its collective breath waiting for the Supremes to decide a pair of cases that could have given them the opportunity to jump right into the middle of the battles over “Section 230.”
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Effros: Expertise
It became very clear that we have reached a significant inflection point in the debate over what should be done, if anything, about regulating the internet.
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26 Words: SCOTUS Takes on Section 230 Cases With Major Implications
Section 230 is the talk of Capitol Hill again this week as the Supreme Court takes on two cases that have the potential to lead to a reinterpretation of the long-standing statute.
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State of the Statute: When is Section 230 Reform Coming?
Few issues draw bipartisan support in today’s political environment, but Section 230 reform is one priority that Republicans and Democrats continue to have their eyes on.
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Hill to Hone in on Big Tech’s Immunity Idol
A House Commerce subcommittee will tackle Big Tech and reforms to its legal immunity Wednesday, including numerous proposals to reform Section 230.