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ACA Connects Plans for Fresh Congress, BEAD Changes
ACA Connects CEO Grant Spellmeyer was among those pleasantly surprised with how quickly many of the elections, including the presidential race, were called last month and is now working together with his
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Effros: Picking Winners
The issue: should the government, whether legislature or regulatory body, pick a “winner” when there are competing technologies seeking dominance in the marketplace?
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Sidecar Sideshow: Nexstar, DirecTV Prepare for a Showdown
While Nexstar began warning late Thursday that DirecTV customers could soon lose its more than 200 stations, the writing has been on the wall since October that negotiations between the two were likely going
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Effros: Lead, Follow…..
Are all of these companies too big, have too much control of information, create “biased” algorithms to channel material in favored directions?
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Senate Moves One Step Closer to Big Tech Regulation
Competition in Big Tech and beyond took center stage in Washington Thursday with Senate Judiciary voting 16-6 to advance the American Innovation and Choice Online Act to the full Senate.
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6th Circuit Denies FCC Request to Pause Franchise Fee Case
A federal appeals court Friday denied the FCC’s request to place a challenge to the agency’s franchise fee order in abeyance for 120 days.