The latest in:
Brett Kavanaugh
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Effros: Net Neutrality Kabuki
The next several weeks will be a fascinating sideshow to the entire years-long dance we have witnessed regarding so-called “net neutrality.”
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News Ratings
Fox News handily topped CNN (1.2mln viewers) and MSNBC (914K viewers) combined for coverage of the Kavanaugh vote on
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Viewers Tune In For Kavanaugh Hearings
More people tuned into Fox News for Thursday’s coverage of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford’s testimonies.
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Ford Set to Testify Against Kavanaugh
The country will be watching Thursday when Christine Blasey Ford is slated to testify at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing focused on the sexual assault allegations against SCOTUS nom Brett Kavanaugh . CNN
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Effros: Connected
Everything seems to be connected these days. Here’s a little brain-teaser for you as the summer hiatus ends; how are Brett Kavanaugh, “originalist” thinking, abortion politics, pseudo-progressives
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Markey, Eshoo Blast Kavanaugh For Opposing Net Neutrality
Sens Ed Markey (D-MA), Ron Wyden (D-OR), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Rep Anna Eshoo (D-CA) came together for a telephone press call Tuesday, blasting Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh for his opinions in the net neutrality debate.