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Incentive Auctions: Deficit Reduction's Big Easy
By Jeffrey Silva, senior policy director/Telecommunications, Media and Technology at ?Medley Global Advisors LLC? Incentive auctions have entered the political vernacular of key lawmakers wrestling with deficit reduction. We do not believe wireless carriers and rural service providers can necessarily base near-term business decisions/strategies on the expectation that repurposed spectrum will be introduced into the […]
How Level 3 Is Assembling A Powerhouse, One Company At A Time
By Linda Hardesty As someone who’s lived in Colorado for more than 25 years, I’ve seen a lot of great hometown companies grow up and move away, including Tele-Communications Inc., Jones Intercable, StorageTek and JD Edwards. Actually, they didn’t move away of their own accord; they were sold to other companies that relocated the businesses […]
Broadband Speeds – As Advertised
by James Assey, executive vice president, National Cable & Telecommunications Assn.?? The Federal Communication Commission’s new report, Measuring Broadband America, confirms that cable operators are delivering world-class services to their customers. Based on a rigorous testing process, the commission found that, on average, during peak periods (7 p.m. – 11 p.m. local time), cable-based services […]
Prurient Profits: Who Benefited From The Casey Anthony Trial?
By Debra Baker OK, I admit it. I was sucked into the whole Casey Anthony trial phenomenon. I followed the news (and the trial itself) 24/7 from the day her daughter Caylee went missing to the day of her sentencing. I’m sure that, for some strange reason, I will watch for reports of her sitings […]
Time to Cut the Cord on Cable Regulation?
by Morag Lucey, senior vice president/Marketing and Product Management, Convergys’ Smart Revenue Solutions Back in 1992, Congress might have been excused for believing that the cable television industry needed regulatory oversight. With just one major cable operator per locality, an early 1990s surge in rates, and a dearth of comparable alternatives, the cable sector seemed […]
Tradeshow Vibes: Interop 2011
By Laura Borgstede, CEO, Calysto Communications One of the key events for the global business technology community, Interop Las Vegas, helps decision-makers who are trying to figure out what’s what in enterprise IT. 2011 was this show’s 25th anniversary, and it was fitting that Internet pioneer Vinton Cerf explored the past, present and future of […]