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FCC Changes Rules to Support Broadband Buildout
The FCC unanimously voted during its Wednesday open meeting to change the rules around letters of credit to lessen administrative and financial burdens on ISPs receiving certain kinds of high-cost support from the Universal Service Fund.
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RDOF Reminder
The FCC is reminding Rural Digital Opportunity Fund support recipients of their obligations to notify the Wireline Competition Bureau if they believe they can’t meet the third-year milestone, which requires build out to at least 40% of RDOF locations.
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Bank Ratings System Under Review at FCC
There’s an interesting debate happening at the FCC over whether the minimum Weiss Ratin g for banks to be eligible to issue Letters of Credit [LOC] should be reduced under Commission rules. In a filing this
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FCC Declines Blanket Amnesty Period for RDOF, CAF II
The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau has declined a request to offer a blanket amnesty period to RDOF and CAF Phase II support recipients.
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Opinions Split on RDOF Amnesty Period Proposal
If you give CAF II and RDOF winners an amnesty period to surrender census blocks that would then become eligible for BEAD funding, will it get America closer to closing the digital divide?
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FCC Considering Amnesty Period for RDOF, CAF II Winners
The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau is seeking comment on a letter from 69 ISPs, trade associations, regulators, school districts, unions and more asking for an amnesty period for RDOF and CAF II awardees.