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D’Arcy Rudnay
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FCC Joins in Investigating Racist Texts Across Nation
The FBI isn’t the only agency investigating racist text messages invoking slavery that were received by Americans across the country. The FCC is also on the case. “These messages are unacceptable. That’s
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AMC Networks Happy to Stay Small, At Least for Now
There’s been a lot of talk of potential consolidation across the media industry since election results rolled in earlier this week, but AMC Networks CEO Kristin Dolan likes her company’s position in the
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Another popular Netflix series will wrap things up after its fifth season. The streamer confirmed
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At the Commission
The FCC received 2,734 applications from schools, libraries and consortia for its Schools and Libraries Cybersecurity Pilot Program, representing $3.7 billion in requests to fund cybersecurity projects
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Paramount Still Fine Without Nielsen, Larger Bundles
Paramount Global and Nielsen are on the outs, but so far the programmer hasn’t felt any pain from the temporary breakup.
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Frontier Responds to Latest Investor Doubts
Frontier Communications is once again speaking out in support of Verizon ’s proposed acquisition of the operator. Its latest message to investors comes after stockholders Glass Lewis and ISS released