Yvette Kanouff

An Emmy winner, C-suite executive and the first female chair of SCTE, Kanouff helps startups grow their businesses at JC2 Ventures. Through organizations like SCTE and WICT Network, she has co-created mentorship programs like “The Multiplier Effect,” where Silicon Valley executives sponsor at least one woman or diverse candidate over the course of their careers, to increase diversity.

“When I was younger, I thought success was about me—what title I have, my status, how many people worked for me, etc. As I have gotten older, I find real success is about helping others. Being proud when THEY get the promotion—similar to seeing your kids be successful. My success is not just defined in this new way, it’s more fulfilling and creates value for the business.”

Takeaway from a time when I was the only woman in the room: Well, my favorite story will always be my baby shower. I worked only with men, and they didn’t want me to be left out of the experience I would’ve had if women had been in our work environment. So, they threw me what was possibly the world’s best baby shower. Pizza and beer – I couldn’t drink the beer – but they happily could and did – and the gift creativity… every single gift was a pack of diapers. We had so much fun, and I have a life memory. To me, this is a wonderful example of inclusion and allyship.

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