Tina Simmons

As steward for employee experience and culture of the XGIE consumer business unit at Comcast, Simmons nurtures a culture of DEI through programs and daily practices, including serving as national co-champion of the Women’s Network Employee Resource Group, as a board member of The WICT Network and as a formal and informal mentor to many professionals throughout the industry and beyond.

What does work-life balance mean to you? I believe there are work-life choices rather than balance. Balance implies that everything is in equilibrium when sometimes there’s a need to choose to focus on life happenings more than work and vice versa. It’s more about having awareness of where you are in your life at the moment and making conscious decisions that support your priorities at that time.

Has the internet created more inclusion or exclusion? The internet has created more inclusion because it has shone a light on a way of thinking that has not necessarily been publicized in the mainstream before and has broken down geographic borders. If knowledge is power, it’s powerful being aware of the multiple perspectives that exist, even those that do not align with your own.

Advice I’d give a recent graduate: The advice I’d give to a recent graduate is to open your mind to the infinite life paths that the world offers. Take a pause to determine if going directly to work or opening your business is the best option for you, post- graduation. If immediate employment is your desire – or a necessity due to your financial circumstances – do that. However, remain open to experiences that feed your intellectual curiosity beyond your career. If travel isn’t in the budget, learn a new language. If entertainment dollars are short, read a book. In short, open your mind and heart to the possibilities.

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