Tina Simmons

The Why: As a national champion in Comcast’s Women’s Network employee resource group, Simmons’ mindset of leading with a focus on diversity and inclusivity resonates with employees across a plethora of Xfinity divisions. She’s led workforce initiatives that have enhanced care, tech operations and sales functions within XGIE, and she continually elevates DEI initiatives at all levels such as the DEI Employee Engagement Series and various ERG partnerships. Simmons is also a director-at-large for The WICT Network and serves on the Diverse by Design national advisory board.

She Says… “I’ve expanded my understanding of what true diversity is and it has made me focus on inclusivity in all I do.”

Place I would love to retire to: Bahamas

What is an overlooked aspect of DEI? Belonging, key for any individual to feel a part of something greater than themselves, feel a part of a community.

Place I would love to retire to: Bahamas

What practices should be adopted to make the hiring process more inclusive? Include a diverse panel.

What recent pop culture moment showed progress in diversity and inclusion in entertainment? There’s no single moment but the proliferation of diverse programming available through all of the major programmers/streamers.

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