Lee Schroeder, Altice USA

Years in Industry: 23

Education: B.A. from Williams College.

A first-year CFX 100 honoree, Schroeder helped support the launch of Altice Mobile by securing conditions on the T-Mobile-Sprint deal that ensure it will have long-term access to the wholesale market. She also spearheaded efforts to bridge the digital divide with the Altice Advantage low-cost broadband program and implemented the Altice Connect Smart Digital Literacy curriculum across the country. Schroeder continues to establish the company’s Diversity & Inclusion initiative, spearheading celebrations of cultural moments for both employees and customers along with creating numerous volunteer opportunities for employees to engage with local communities around passions and specific causes. Her work has paid off with a perfect score on the Human Rights Campaign’s Equality Index as well as recognition by NAMIC as a Top Company for People of Color.

The COVID-19 pandemic forever changed my perspective on:
How to create a diverse and inclusive culture in the workplace.

How has the pandemic shaped the industry’s future?
The pandemic has highlighted the importance of broadband connectivity in allowing people to work, learn, and connect with each other. As reliance on broadband connectivity grows, so grows the importance of companies like Altice USA in being a strong community partners. For Altice USA, this means providing reliable products and supporting access to broadband for everyone, including through partnerships with local governments and community organizations.

The future of broadband is…
Critical to every part of our society and our futures. As we’ve seen over the last few months, broadband connectivity is needed to connect doctors to patients, students to teachers, families to their loved ones and businesses to customers. As we look out onto the horizon, broadband connectivity will be more integral the prosperity for communities and individuals.

Working from home has taught me…
the importance of communication and the need to evolve based on circumstances. Having to eliminate in-person communication for the many talented people I work closely with has not been without its challenges, but we have found ways to overcome and, in some ways, streamline how we engage and share information.

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