Kathleen Finch

Years in Industry: 20

Education: Stanford University

Motto I Live By: If it’s not fun, why do it?

Latest slang phrase or hashtag you’ve learned from your kids? I’ve got three kids with highly inappropriate senses of humor, so none of what they’ve taught me should be repeated. But they always seem impressed when I use inappropriate slang in the right context, so there’s that.

Favorite board/card game: I definitely don’t like games, but my family loves to race each other to complete the NYT crosswords. It can get pretty ugly.

Favorite podcast: Currently it’s “Getting Curious with Jonathan Van Ness.” Smart, liberal, funny and thought-provoking.

Subject you wish you’d studied at school and/or subject you studied and wish you hadn’t? I wish I’d studied history. I love history and to this day regret not majoring in it. I miss college too, so maybe I’ll take history classes someday.

What quality do you look for when promoting someone? I look for contagious enthusiasm. And I avoid sharp elbows, a big ego, or bad temper because those qualities don’t work in a team environment. I love working with people who love what we do and recognize how incredibly lucky we are to be doing it.

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