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Shipments of Connectable Set-Top Boxes to Nearly Double by 2017, IHS Says
The global market for IP-enabled set-top boxes (STBs), is expected to increase by 91% from 2012 through 2017
TV-Show ‘Repeaters’ vs. Infrequent Viewers
Everyone seems to be focused on social TV these days, but will a killer hashtag or Facebook meme bring new viewers to a series? Maybe not. A new study finds that while social media has an impact on regular viewers of a TV show, it has little impact on attracting new or infrequent viewers to a program, according to a study by the Council for Research Excellence.
OTT vs. Pay TV
Consumers don't seem to care if their digital content comes from OTT players or traditional pay TV providers, according to a report commissioned by support solutions provider CSG.
Cisco Forecast – IP Traffic Getting Faster
Cisco's annual Visual Networking Index projects half the world will be online in four years. And like cable, it sees big growth ahead for WiFi.
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HDTV Sets Now in Three-Quarters of U.S. Households
A new consumer research from Leichtman Research Group found that 75% of US households have at least one HDTV set – up from 23% 5 years ago. Over the past five years, 52% of US households adopted HDTV. In addition, 51% of HDTV households have more than one HDTV vs. 22% 5 years ago. Overall, […]
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Pay TV Providers to Face Tough Competition from OTT Providers
With U.S. broadband customers set to rise to the same level as pay-TV subscriptions in 2016, the American cable and satellite businesses have reached a critical point where their continued growth will hinge on the success of their new TV Everywhere services, according to IHS Screen Digest Analyst Tom Adams. “Based on our continuing analysis of TV […]