Cablefax Over-Under Profiles
The inaugural Cablefax Over-Under event last Thursday, a celebration of cable’s rising superstars under 30, kicked off with some wise words from CEO and founder of Half the Sky Leadership Grace Killelea. “Leadership is not about your title,” she told the crowd of up-and-comers. It’s about your behavior. And it’s important to give back, since each of them had arrived there because someone chose to champion them. She encouraged each attendee to meet at least two of the overachievers in the room and ask them why they thought they deserved to be on the list.
Killelea’s remarks were followed by a few words (and by that we mean 140 characters or less) expressing the best and/or worst advice they’ve ever received. Some thanked parents, others mentors. But most entertaining was the worst advice—from being told that an internship will get you nowhere, that opening a restaurant is a great financial investment and that one should never watch television. The event was DJ’d by the honorees, each of whom added a song to a playlist you’ll find here. Learn more about them in their profiles and check out photos of the event here.