Miguel Roggero

Years in Media & Broadband: 25+

Education: BS, Business Administration, University of Southern California; MBA, University of Pennsylvania — The Wharton School

My personal superpower is: Listen more than speak

How has the pandemic forever changed programming? I don’t think the pandemic has really changed programming, but it has certainly elevated the importance of good programming. People will always seek out high-quality, authentic storytelling, and what we also keep learning, time and time again, is how strongly audiences respond when those stories are inclusive and represent their cultures and communities. This, of course, applies across all screens, from the movies to TVs to mobile devices.

Number of times flown in the past year? None, but I am looking forward to traveling again soon.

What are you most looking forward to this summer? I can’t wait to watch my daughter play in soccer tournaments and to travel internationally again, both for fun to Costa Rica in the summer, and to Cannes for business this fall.

My proudest professional achievement over the past 12 months is… I’m most proud that Fuse Media has continued to grow throughout the pandemic, staying focused despite challenges, launching three new FAST channels, and of course, closing the deal that gave my management team majority ownership of the company, making Fuse Media one of the only Latino-owned and led companies in the entertainment industry.

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