Wheeler’s View – Retrans Reform, JSAs and the Money Quote
| March 7, 2014
A change may finally be coming to retrans consent rules, with FCC chmn Tom Wheeler circulating a report and order to be voted on at Mar’s open meeting that would prohibit 2 or more separately owned top 4 broadcast stations in the same market from jointly negotiating retrans. But that’s not the only reason retrans reform supporters were slapping each other on the back Thurs. Wheeler’s blog on the subject offers some real evidence that he might be open to further changes. Here’s Wheeler’s take on retrans, JSAs and more.
More top stories in today’s CableFAX Daily:
Broadcasters taking a hit from the FCC’s proposed order that would restrict JSAs can take comfort in a draft STELA bill that dropped the must-buy provision. Here are the details.
Those supportive of retrans reform, including ACA and Public Knowledge, applauded FCC chmn Tom Wheeler’s move, while broadcasters and 1 commissioner condemned the plan.
DOJ’s Antitrust Division said asst atty gen Bill Baer will be recused on the Comcast-Time Warner Cable merger review. Meanwhile, Comcast wrapped up its acquisition of ad platform FreeWheel.