To Market, To Market 08/10/12
The TV Amplifier tool from digital video ad platform and solutions provider Videology allows advertisers to proactively manage reach, frequency, efficiency and effectiveness across TV and online video ad placements. Depending on campaign objectives, users reportedly can create custom segments based on specific programs or ads viewed, enabling marketers to target similar viewers across devices; extend a campaign with supplementary, interactive components; augment the frequency of a buy (or build awareness among light or hard-to-reach television viewers) with incremental cost increases using digital video; and determine cross-device duplicated and unduplicated reach with greater accuracy. In a July survey, Videology found that 78 percent of agency buyers and digital planners said digital video was supplemental to their television strategies, compared with 11 percent who saw video and television strategies as being totally separate. Another 11 percent said video was replacing their television strategies.