Roku 4 Player to Have 4K Streaming Video

Our Take:
The Roku 4 streaming player is adding 4K video capabilities as well as a remote finder–two features which make it a close competitor to Apple TV, this CNET article posits. The box ships in October and will cost $129. With a 4K TV and a fast Internet connection you can watch 4K programming from places like Amazon Instant Video, YouTube and Netflix. The remote finder is just that: Press a button on the device and wait until your remote starts beeping. Roku is also rolling out a software update, which will give you customized notifications for TV shows, movies and actors, along with pricing info. With this announcement, the streaming wars remain fiercely competitive. Just last week, for instance, Amazon announced it will ban sales of Apple TV and Chromecast from its retail store and it recently announced a new version of its Fire TV. Given the timing of Apple TV’s upcoming next-gen model, it appears as if both Roku and Amazon are preparing for battle.
Ever lose your remote in the couch cushions? Ever wish you could stream 4K Netflix without having to use your TV’s built-in app? Roku’s new high-end player, the $129 Roku 4, brings these new extras to its best-in-class streaming ecosystem.