Plugging Along – NCTA, Programmers Oppose TiVo’s CableCARD Petition
| September 18, 2013
NCTA is speaking out against TiVo’s petition for the FCC to impose regulations on cable ops that the DVR maker says would ensure that consumers can access cable content on retail devices via CableCARDs, with the trade group calling such rules outdated and unnecessary. Read on for NCTA’s comments, as well as positions on the petition from Verizon, Public Knowledge and CEA.
More top stories in today’s CableFAX Daily:
Lots of retrans contracts ending at the end of Sept, including Citadel and DirecTV.
Streaming start-up Aereo launched in another market this week.
More than 70 group leaders are asking Senate Commerce to question FCC Republican nominee Michael O’Rielly on TV decency enforcement at his nomination hearing Wed.