Not So Fast—CEA Asks FCC to Reconsider Charter Waiver
| May 21, 2013
While the industry closely watched Charter’s request and eventual grant last month of a 2-year waiver of the FCC’s set-top integration ban, the saga isn’t quite over. CEA wants the Commission to review the Media Bureau’s order, arguing that the agency exceeded its authority when it let the MSO stop providing CableCARDs under certain conditions in the postwaiver period without seeking public comment. Here is CEA’s argument and details on Charter’s waiver.
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Mignon Clyburn became the 1st female FCC chair on Sat, at least for a little while.
A Supreme Court opinion released Mon is expected to help the FCC to defend its network neutrality rules, which Verizon has challenged. Here’s why.
The 13 largest MVPDs added around 195K net new video subs in 1Q, not enough to offset sub losses from 2Q and 3Q ’12, said a study by Leichtman Research Group. More on the study here.