Inside The Beltway 07/27/12
The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) filed comments regarding the Federal Communications Commission’s consideration of Deployable Aerial Communications Architecture (DACA) technology. “TIA applauds the FCC’s consideration of DACA technology in improving its public-safety goals but recommends the commission carefully consider limiting DACA’s use to existing current public-safety communication frequencies in order to avoid interference with commercial use and repairs,” it said in part. “In general, control of DACA platforms should be in the hands of local agencies that are in the best position to make potentially lifesaving decisions"…At its Aug. 3 open meeting, the FCC will consider a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking seeking to modernize its cable-TV rules to facilitate the industry’s transition from analog to digital transmission systems. It also will vote on a Second Report and Order, Second Further NPRM, Second Notice of Inquiry, Order on Reconsideration, and Memorandum Opinion and Order to remove regulatory barriers to make better use of Fixed Service (FS) spectrum and to provide additional flexibility to enable FS licensees to reduce operational costs and facilitate the use of wireless backhaul in rural areas. The meeting begins at 10:30 a.m. at commission HQ, and it will be broadcast live with open captioning at