Clearwire Deploys in Salem, OR, and Milledgeville, GA
Clearwire Communications announced that it has officially rolled out CLEAR’s super fast mobile Internet service to Milledgeville, GA, and Salem OR.
CLEAR’s 4G customer experience is similar to that provided by Wi-Fi, but without the short range limitations of a traditional Internet hot spot. Clearwire is using WiMAX, a wireless 4G technology that provides service areas measured in miles, not feet. CLEAR provides average mobile download speeds of 3 to 6 Mbps with bursts over 10 Mbps.
“CLEAR is excited to bring to Milledgeville residents and the students at Georgia College & State University the super fast mobile Internet experience they’re used to having at home or the office, anywhere around town or on the go,” said Marc Brachman, general manager, Atlanta, in a statement.
“We’re providing a valuable new category of Internet service designed to make people’s lives more enjoyable and more productive, wherever they happen to be in our coverage area,” Tim Ross, regional general manager, Northwest, stated.