T-Mobile Allows Free Video Streaming for Netflix, HBO, ESPN
Our Take:
T-Mobile announced Tuesday that it’s letting customers watch online video from Netflix, HBO, ESPN, Showtime, Amazon Prime and others for free on mobile devices at a lower resolution, USA Today reports. Watching video from these content providers will not count against your data consumption. As this article points out, video consumption on mobile has exploded in recent years, with Facebook recently reporting that users watch 8 billion videos a day and Snapchat claiming to rake in 6 billion.
Competition for wireless is heating up, and this new addition could give T-Mobile a competitive edge against competitors Sprint and AT&T. Shortly after AT&T and DirecTV merged, the joint company began promoting a TV/wireless combo. And Comcast recently confirmed that making a move in the wireless space is currently in testing mode.
No. 3 wireless carrier T-Mobile offers free video streaming in wireless contracts