Pai on Google
The previous FCC never answered the question of whether Internet companies like Google or Netflix are distributors. It doesn’t sound like FCC chmn Ajit Pai is ready to do so either. At least not yet. “I think it depends on the particular marketplace we are talking about,” he said during a press conference Tuesday. As far as competition from Internet companies as a whole, he did caution that the marketplace should be viewed “as it is and not as it was.” FCC Vote: The FCC voted 3-0 to no longer require cable ops to publicize the location of their principle headend, something the industry had argued was a security risk. The order also does away with broadcasters’ requirement to post correspondence from the public in their station files. Farewell Lake: The meeting was likely FCC Media Bureau chief Bill Lake’s last with the agency. He’s led the bureau since 2009, appointed by then-chair Julius Genachowski. Lake also led the DTV task force during his tenure at the agency.