Post Merger, AT&T/DirecTV Announce Joint Package

Our Take:
As expected, the new combined company of AT&T and DirecTV has announced a new wireless phone and TV combination package available on a national scale. Starting in August, consumers new to the service will get discounts. A big part of the push for new customers involves TV Everywhere, says this Deadline article. In fact, AT&T retail stores will help people subscribe to DirecTV through the company’s app, which means that they can watch shows right away without waiting for home installation. The process of signing up for cable and waiting at your home for a technician has done little for cable companies’ reputation for customer service and efficiency, so this could be an attractive feature for newcomers. There is fine print, of course, including hefty early-termination fees and in a potential increase of service fees over time. Expect more packages soon, with a particular emphasis on TV Everywhere capabilities.
AT&T watchers have been waiting to see what it will do with DirecTV now that the companies are united, turning the telco into the world’s largest pay TV provider. That makes the announcement today of what it calls the first nationwide combo wireless phone and TV package interesting, even if it was predictable.