Hear This? Lawmakers Want Report on CALM Complaints
| June 6, 2013
It has been about 6 months since the Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation Act took effect, requiring MVPDs and broadcasters to make sure the volume for commercials is at the same level as regular TV programming. But it’s not really clear how the industry is doing. Bill authors Anna Eshoo (D-CA) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) asked the FCC on Wed to provide details on how many complaints the agency has received since it went into effect Dec 13. Here is what the agency figures reveal.
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The Cablevision/CWA sage continues. Following disruptions at its shareholder meeting and an investor conference last week, Cablevision filed a complaint in NY State Supreme Court Mon seeking injunctive relief against CWA.
Private equity firm GTCR simultaneously signed and closed the acquisition of Cable Management Associates, a subsidiary of privately held Etan Industries.