With more than 20 years of media planning and buying experience, Fine has an excellent grasp of today’s landscape. Modco has a team of 50 in New York across more than 25 verticals, with Fine leading TV network account management. Her advice to the industry for better recruiting and promotion of women? “Structured mentoring through frequent scheduled updates and support [and] showing a path where women can be successful in business and still pave the way to have a family by utilizing technology, continuing education and networking,” says Fine, whose client list includes AMC, Bravo, Direct TV, Food Network, Nat Geo and Sony.
What specifically does your company do to support and elevate the women who work there?
The majority of the staff are women. In the senior leadership level, both the SVP and Partners (and three of the four VP’s are women). We have a generous maternity leave program and, despite having a small office, a lactation room so that women don’t need to pump in the restroom. Best of all we treat women as people, equal to men in all respects.
How can the industry do a better job of recruiting women and ensuring they have a path to senior positions?
Structured mentoring through frequent scheduled updates and support. Showing a path where women can be successful in business and still pave the way to have a family by utilizing technology, continuing education and networking.
What advice would you give your 13-year-old self?
Remember that the intern next to you will be a CMO or CEO one day. Build your virtual army early, because when you are in need, you can call on your network to support you.
What changes, if any, has your company enacted since the dawning of the #MeToo movement, and what results have ensued?
The company goes through a rigorous education process of what harassment and discrimination in the workplace looks like. We’ve retrained the entire staff on our communication process and corporate culture. We address all concerns within 24-48 hours.
Which current shows best reflect the kind of women’s roles you like to see and why?
“Xena: Warrior Princess,” obviously!