Pamphile is focused on achieving diversity in media and entertainment, through corporate diversity partnerships and a mix of internship and talent development programs for minority college students. “The cable and media industry recently took a step forward for diversity when they opened their doors of employment opportunity for veterans,” she says. “Several companies established and promoted their special initiatives designed to recruit and help veterans re-enter the workforce.”

A February 2018 UCLA study revealed that of the 45 new scripted shows approved for 2017-18 across broadcast, cable and digital platforms, only four were from creators of color, all of whom were black. What is your reaction to this report?
My reaction to the report is that it reveals the need for a comprehensive strategy that strives to cast a wide net and seeks to attract, identify and cultivate creative works developed by members of underrepresented groups and communities. The strategy should include a multimedia outreach campaign that conveys a sincere desire to hear from diverse creators and encourages them to submit their work and know that it will be given genuine consideration.

What’s a recent example of a step forward for diversity in the industry?
The cable and media industry recently took a step forward for diversity when they opened their doors of employment opportunity for veterans. Several companies established and promoted their special initiatives designed to recruit and help veterans re-enter the workforce. This step also recognized veterans as an underrepresented group in the workplace.

This step set an example for other industries to follow and increased public awareness of the challenges facing veterans and how the private sector can play a significant role.

What’s been the most dramatic change in your sector of the business today vs. three years ago?
Over the last three years, companies have been reaching out to the T. Howard Foundation expressing an interest in establishing a partnership with the Foundation that would not only give them access to our programs and services but also give them the opportunity to have a supportive role in the implementation of our mission of diversity and inclusion.

This is how our Strategic Partners initiative began. Strategic partners host events for our program participants past and present. These events include end of summer debriefs, networking events and meet and greets for interns and alumnae.

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