Henry Ahn, Univison

Years in Industry: 30+

Education: B.S., Boston College, MBA, Fordham University

This pair have opened new doors for Univision by finding unique ways to deliver more value to distributors. Ahn has introduced packages like TUDNxtra, which includes hundreds of exclusive soccer matches for pay TV subscribers. Ahn also established a partnership with Altice USA, under which Univision provides Altice’s News 12 stations with digital Spanish-language news segments. Mandala has led the development of Univision Brand Labs in an effort to transform end-to-end marketing to the US Hispanic population.

Number of subscriptions to streaming services?
At least 6 services.

Without sports on TV, I have…
Been reading much more.

When restaurants open back up, my first stop will be:
River Palm in Edgewater, NJ

Last content I streamed?
“The Last Dance” and “Billions.”

The first thing I’ll do when I’m back in the office is…
To give my colleagues hugs (if and when allowed).

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