Detavio Samuels

Samuels has transformed Revolt into a brand dedicated to elevating marginalized voices and creating change. It was because of Samuels that the network was able to launch Revolt World, a live event celebrating the culture and community within the world of hip hop. More than 30,000 participants came together across three days. It was also Samuels’ vision from which Revolt Black News was born, and he and his team have now expanded its key series such as social justice-focused “Revolt Black News Weekly.”

The last thing AI got wrong was… trying to guess the secret ingredient in my grandmother’s cornbread. To this day it’s the only cornbread I like.

Summer Olympics event you most want to see in person? Swimming and watching Jamaica compete for fastest runners in the world.

Favorite way to destress? Swimming or boxing but for a quick way to help destress when I’m on the road I listen to gospel music.

Fast food guilty pleasure: Slutty Vegan, as someone who is mostly plant-based it’s difficult to find something that matches my crazy taste preference.

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