Blake Callaway

Years in Media & Broadband: I was a latchkey kid so I guess since 4th grade. In professional terms—26 years

Education: BA, Business, Texas A&M University

My personal superpower is: I am pretty funny, so people tend to like working with me

My proudest professional achievement over the past 12 months is… Making sure people were actively included across the company and establishing a sense of teamwork as everything changed during the pandemic.

What habit are you keeping post-pandemic? Wearing elastic waist pants.

How does the country narrow the digital divide? By recognizing that internet access is infrastructure.

How has the pandemic forever changed programming? It accelerated where we were already going in the industry.

Your comfort TV binge? “Nicky Ricky Dickey and Dawn” — I have a 7-year-old.

Your pandemic theme song? Dolly Parton, “Light of a Clear Blue Morning”

Status of your sourdough bread starter? I was too busy doing Spelling Bee.

What are you most looking forward to this summer? Getting out of the city, a change of scenery, and of course, tennis.

Last podcast listened to: “WTF with Marc Maron,” interviewing John Waters.

If you could host a Clubhouse chat with anyone, who would it be? Dolly Parton

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