Henderson has played a singular role in expanding relationships that help technology partners take greater advantage of SCTE-ISBE involvement. She has driven partner opportunities that resulted in increased visibility for key SCTE-ISBE programs, including the CORTEX Expert Development System, Energy 2020, Corporate Alliance Partnerships and new access technologies such as DOCSIS 3.1, wireless and FTTX. Henderson also created and executed a marketing campaign for the SCTE-ISBE Cable-Tec Expo that resulted in 21% increase in attendance, which exceeded the 10,000 mark. “Technology is advancing quickly and we, as the applied science, learning and development arm of the industry, are constantly updating and/ or adding new training and/or certifications for new technology and services on a regular basis to keep up,” she says.

The Daily


Paramount-Skydance Details Begin to Trickle Out

The Paramount – Skydance merger has reached the FCC filing stage, which has shed some more light on the soon-to-be combined company’s future. The Commission’s Media Bureau is creating a pleading cycle for

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Dec 4
2024 Most Powerful Women Awards Nominations Open July 8th, 2024.
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