Kalle led the launch of the classic-film themed getTV, the company’s first digital broadcast network, as a sub-channel on Univision-owned stations and others. Moreover, she has secured carriage for the net with Cox Media Group and Sinclair Broadcast Group. She advises having one calendar that combines work and family commitments, and plenty of exercise to manage stress. “It seems hard to fit in, but the benefits are profound,” she says.

How do you define a successful career?

To me, a successful career is being able to follow your true passion and contribute to building something bigger than yourself with your strengths. Feeling like you make a difference is key to staying motivated and doing your best work. Working with colleagues who inspire is key as well. This keeps you sharp, engaged and continually learning.

Best trick for maintaining the personal-professional life balance?

A simple, but truly effective tool for work-life balance is having one calendar that captures work commitments and family commitments combined. Exercise is key to managing stress and maintaining a healthy and positive mental state. It seems hard to fit in, but the benefits are profound.

When not in the office, where are we most likely to find you?

When I am not helping my two children with their homework, you can find me on my local tennis court playing single matches. If there’s a rock or indie concert in town, you’ll probably find me there indulging in my passion for live music.

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Apr 16
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