Steve Raab
Title: President, SNY
Years in Cable: 15
Education: BA, Political Science, Brown University; MBA, Harvard Business School
Best Advice: Plan the work, work the plan.
Why Him? In the past year, Raab has created big revenue opportunities for SNY with new programs “Mets First Pitch” and “Mets Insider.” He’s also exploring a redesign of the broadcast booth at Citi Field and is working the social media beat, acquiring a premier network of New York sports blogs, including, which helps SNY continue to deliver top sports entertainment to its devoted fans.
I watch the majority of programming on this device: The big screen – it’s still the best viewing experience
John, Paul, George or Ringo? Paul… “Live and Let Die” is a classic.
Twitter or Instagram: Twitter
My favorite newfound hobby: Dodge ball (with my son)
Favorite Restaurant: ABC Kitchen
Alec Baldwin…NY or LA? Not even close—no native ever turns his back on New York.
Who’s on tap for the next big comeback? Matt Harvey (I hope)
Favorite TV show as a kid: “ABC’s Wild World of Sports” and “Hogan’s Heroes”
My favorite business/motivational book: The Tipping Point
If someone forced me to cut the cord and watch only 3 over-the-top shows they would be: “House of Cards,” “House of Cards,” “House of Cards”