Stephen Hackley
Title: SVP, Greater Chicago Region, Comcast
Number of Years in Cable: 15
Education: University of Rochester (Bachelor of Science, Economics); Boston College Carroll School of Management (Master of Business Administration)
Best Advice in 7 Words or Less: “Silent gratitude isn’t very much to anyone.” – Gertrude Stein
Hackley leads one of the most successful regions in Comcast. Under his leadership, the Greater Boston Region had a tremendous 2014. When the year commenced, Hackley toured the region, and shared his strategy as to how business could grow. One of his most notable achievements over the last 12 months was the completion of a project to construct the first Comcast-owned submarine fiber optic cable to Martha’s Vineyard ensuring services to the island’s 16,000-plus residents.
I watch most programming on this device: TV
Favorite screen: iPhone
Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat? All three – I have two teenage daughters!
Favorite vacation spot: Cape Cod
My favorite business/motivational book: Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game by Michael Lewis