Sherry Brennan
Brennan has helped analyze revenue opportunities across a wide range of potential acquisitions and consulted on licensing agreements for network rights deals. She also has served as an expert witness in a high-profile trial, and directed the creation of new content protection evaluation policies. Getting employees (and herself) to “unplug and check out has become a personal mission,” she says.
How can cable do better job at supporting the industry’s women?
I think corporate culture in general should be more supportive of men and women in terms of helping them to balance their personal and professional lives. Aspects that I would call destructive to family values include a 12-hour workday ethic, which I’m lucky not to live under, and the need to be constantly available even during private family moments via email and cellphone. Encouraging employees (and myself) to unplug and check out has become a personal mission.
How do you define a successful career?
If people listen when I speak, I call that success. If I gain the respect of my peers, I call that success. If I can afford to retire when I’m still healthy – I will call that a success.
Best trick for maintaining the personal-professional life balance?
Exercise, outdoors, with no electronic input – just me, the breeze, and my sneakers.