Sarah Barnett
Title: President & GM, BBC America
Years in Cable: 14
Education: BA, History of Art, Warwick University, U.K.
Best Advice in 7 Words or Less: “The universe is made of stories, not atoms.” – Muriel Rukeyser

Jennifer Caserta
Title: President & GM, IFC
Years in Cable: 17
Education: BA, Hunter College
Best Advice in 7 Words or Less: Don’t allow change to scare you.

Marc Juris
Title: President & GM, WEtv
Years in Cable: 22
Education: BS
Best Advice in 7 Words or Less: Prepare for the future; press control/alt/delete.

Every one of AMC’s networks has a distinct vision, voice and leader. After turning Sundance into a creative powerhouse earning critical raves for its original programming, Barnett assumed the helm of BBC America last fall, and insiders look forward to what this visionary Brit can do with an already stellar brand. In the past year Caserta has refreshed the “Always On Slightly Off” brand she employed to position IFC as a pop-culture destination with original comedies like “Portlandia” and “Maron.” Perhaps Juris has successfully addressed the toughest task of all three of them, helping WEtv shed its image as a network exclusively for women, grow its ratings, and expand its overall demographic.

I watch most programming on this device: DVR and Roku on a living room TV, but iPhone is narrowing the gap.
The biggest innovation in cable over the last year: HBO Now is certainly one of the most potentially impactful.
Apple iWatch or Rolex: My husband’s grandfather’s vintage Omega
Which character would I most want to double-cross me on “Game of Thrones” and why? Diana Rigg’s badass matriarch Olena Tyrell
Favorite vacation spot: Iceland, but obsessed with the idea of India

If I had a show on YouTube it would be called… “I’m Too Old for This But My 10 Year Old Thinks It’s Hilarious”
What’s your favorite screen? The one closest to the couch
If I could interrupt Kanye West just once, I would tell him… Why do you make your wife dress like that?
My “Real Housewives” catch-phrase is… “I’ve got no time for drama, because I run a comedy network.”
Favorite TV show as a kid:  “Saturday Night Live”
The last time I had a good laugh was… the trailer for the Amy Schumer/Bill Hader movie Trainwreck

I watch most programming on this device: A not-so-smart, old school 56-inch Panasonic Plasma TV (and I love it).
What’s the next big broadband project no one’s talking about yet and why? I have absolutely no idea, but I’m an early adopter, so whatever it is, sign me up.
Favorite screen: The McDonald’s drive thru
Apple iWatch or Rolex? Swatch Watch… it’s a classic!
Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat? Handwritten, personalized notes
Favorite vacation spot: St. Barts
Who’s on tap for the next big comeback? Amy Pascal
My favorite business/motivational book: Hello, He Lied by Lynda Obst

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Michael Malone , who most recently served as content director at Broadcasting+Cable and Multichannel News , passed away Saturday in New York at the age of 55 following a lengthy illness. He first

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