Sam Polifka
Manager, Brand Marketing, Spike
An indispensable member of the net’s brand marketing team, Polifka oversees strategy development and execution for all paid media campaigns for Spike’s “Friday Night Lights Out: Premier Boxing Championships,” as well as “Bellator.” He also oversees all scripted and unscripted campaigns, and manages all activations and experiential campaigns. “Patience, a positive attitude and the rest of my team” are what he credits for his success.
What makes you most excited about this industry as you advance in your career? T
hat its constantly changing. There is no guarantee what worked for you yesterday will work tomorrow.
What is the best advice you’ve ever gotten?
You’ll never be the smartest, most talented or best looking. The only thing you can control is how hard you work.
What is one habit that makes you most successful?
Communication is key. I have the most respect for people who are able to communicate the same idea, whatever it may be, to anyone at any level of an organization. I try to emulate those people.
Who has been your biggest mentor and why?
My boss Amanda Brass constantly challenges and encourages me to do my best. Her attitude and work ethic are infectious and she makes everyone around her better at their job.
What three things make you most successful?
Patience, a positive attitude and the rest of my team.