Ron Duncan
Title: President/CEO, General Communications
Education: Bachelor’s degree, Economics, Johns Hopkins University; Master’s of Business Administration, Harvard Business School
Best Advice: If you don’t like what you are doing, do something else.
Why Him? Duncan recently led the expansion of a major wireless project in Alaska, providing 18 rural villages with broadband—truly in the wilderness. He is also expanding into broadcast television and diversifying GCI as Alaska’s communications provider. His vision and guidance has allowed GCI to grow in areas so remote that you need helicopters to service transmission towers. Duncan, who has accumulated 7,000 hours in 25 years of flying, is chairman of the Board of the National Business Aviation Association.
I watch the majority of programming on: TV
TV show I’d like to cameo: “Mad Men”
John, Paul, George or Ringo: John
My favorite hobby: Flying
One thing I would do all the time: Fly my float plane
Favorite restaurant: Cafe Pesto, Kawaihae, Hawaii
Beach or mountains? Brooks Range, Alaska