Rodrigo Lopez
Title: Regional VP, Oregon/SW Washington Region, Comcast Cable
Number of Years in Cable: 20
Education: BA, International Business
Best Advice in 7 Words or Less: Think long term and do what’s right.
Why Him? Fairly new to this position, Lopez came from Comcast’s financial dept and brings with him 20 years of experience with the company, starting out in the front lines as a customer care agent. Lopez’s challenge for 2013-14 is to continue to accelerate growth and take a highly successful market to the next level. That includes doubling broadband speeds at no additional cost.
Apple or Samsung? Apple
Beatles or The Rolling Stones? Stones
On a Saturday afternoon, you can find me… in a sports complex with one of my kids.
My peers would be surprised to learn that I approach business as a disruptor, to avoid becoming the establishment.
I watch the majority of programming on this device: TV
Netflix or Hulu? Hulu
Celebrity, sports figure or politician Id most want to have dinner with? Dave Grohl from the Foo Fighters.
If I could tell my 21-year-old self something today, it would be buy Apple stock.
I wish Congress would just get over their partisan divide and focus on what’s best for the country and not the party.
Favorite vacation spot? Maui
e biggest innovation in cable over the last year: Focus on mobility apps