Ralph Martinez
Title: SVP, Houston Region, Comcast
Years in Cable: 10
Education: BS, Arizona State University
Best Advice in 7 Words or Less: Make it happen or wonder what happened.
Martinez joined the Houston Region as recently as 2013, but he has wasted no time making his mark there. Under his leadership, the region experienced last year its highest Revenue and Cash Flow growth, setting a record for customer growth by adding over 7,000 positive video subscribers. Consequently, the Houston Region was named the West Division Region of the Year for 2104. He supports The Jester & Pharley Phund, a non-profit that benefits ill children.
My favorite newfound hobby: Binge watching HGTV’s “Fixer Upper”
The technology that will most benefit cable over the next year: DOCSIS 3.1
Favorite vacation spot: Any place warm, sunny and near water.
Favorite TV show as a kid: “Gilligan’s Island”
Dish I can make and that would impress a celebrity chef: Pasta steak salad