Peter Low
Why Him? The demand for interactive TV is growing and Ensequence and Low are poised to power a good amount of interactive ads. Interactive ads are garnering results, says the soft-spoken Low, a cable veteran of MTV Nets. “We are seeing incredible effectiveness with interactive ads across the television industry. At Ensequence, we consistently see opt-in rates for interactive ads at 2% to 3%, and as high as 8%, depending on the offer and interactive features in the ads.”
EBIF KISS: “EBIF, the standard that is making interactive television possible, is now broadly deployed across cable. To take advantage of this critical mass, we have to make the creation and deployment of interactive television simple and scalable,” Low says.
Favorite Digital Toy: “My iPad.”
What You Miss About Analog: “Being able to smoke cigars in my office.”
Most Valuable Trait For A Digital Executive: “To surround yourself with great people.”