Pam Arment
Arment defines a career as successful “when you have passion and truly enjoy what you do.” A consultant for more than 10 years, she focuses on lending an able hand to the cable industry’s rapid evolution from content and programming to a provider of IP and other advanced services. As a telecommunications professional with 25-plus years of strategic, technical and leadership experience, Arment previously served as a contractor program and project manager.
How do you define a successful career?
As a corporate employee my definition of a successful career was predicated on the typical benchmarks of salary, title and advancement but as a consultant my concept of professional success has become more subjective. I would now define a career as successful when you have, often times in addition to the above, passion and truly enjoy what you do.
Best trick for maintaining the personal-professional life balance?
I don’t believe I found a trick to achieving what I believe has been a good personal-professional balance in my life. What was most important was recognizing early that I needed to redefine my concept of balance. It is not a 50/50 split but one that continually fluctuates even, at times, focusing 100% on one side of the scale to achieve overall balance.
When not in the office, where are we most likely to find you?
Enjoying the weather and walks on the beach in Southern California where we now live.