Matthew M. Polka & Michael Powell
Michael Powell
Title: President & CEO, NCTA
Years in Cable: 4
Education: College of William & Mary; JD, Georgetown University Law Center
Matthew Polka
Title: President & CEO, American Cable Association
Years in Cable: 27
Education: BS, Journalism, West Virginia University (1982); J., Duquesne University School of Law (1986)
President Obama and the FCC gave the two leaders of cable’s biggest policy organizations plenty to chew on this year with the adoption of sweeping changes to Internet regulation. While both support the concept of an open Internet, both vehemently oppose the reclassification of broadband providers as common carriers. With the NCTA’s lawsuit in mid-April, former FCC chair Powell is leading the charge against the reclassification, which essentially reverses his policy when he held his post at the Commission. Polka, similarly, petitioned for review of the FCC decision, stating the order “needlessly saddles ACA’s members.” One thing’s for sure: the year ahead will be anything but boring.
Should the industry embrace or reject “virtual MSOs” and why? We have to embrace it. It’s our broadband pipe that will be used to deliver it, so why would allow others to take advantage of that?
If I had a show on YouTube it would be called… “Cable Polka Party, with Matt Polka”… what else could it be???
The technology that will most benefit cable over the next year is: More online choice and OVD’s that will create opportunities for cable, maximize our broadband plants, and pave the way for more choice on all platforms.
Which character would I most want to double-cross me on “Game of Thrones” and why? Doesn’t matter, because we all get killed off in the end anyway! Sheesh!
Favorite vacation spot: The Big Apple. My wife, daughters and I couldn’t be happier than when we are seeing the shows, walking the city, and taking in the sights, sounds and energy.
Who’s on deck for the next celebrity meltdown? Maybe not meltdown, but I think the Kardashians, et al., have celebrity drama pretty well covered. Ugh. Why do people even pay attention? What do they DO??? (Yes, I’m an old fuddy-duddy!) And, after HBO’s “Going Clear,” anything Scientology.
The last time I had a good laugh was… with my wife and two daughters talking about funny things from the past, knowing too we are far from perfect, but that we are very blessed.
My favorite business/motivational book: The Good Book. It’s all in there. Stand firm. Position yourself. Face your battles! Treat others kindly. Serve others first. Help is ALWAYS There. Every soul matters.