Lori McFarling
In 2015, McFarling expanded her focus on initiatives designed to amplify the impact, relevance and necessity of broadband. Given the nature of her job, it’s not surprising this 20-year industry veteran says she draws inspiration from teachers. “Our nation’s educators inspire me most—along with the young people they guide who are using what they are learning in the classroom to literally change the world.”
Where are the biggest growth areas for women in cable?
I think that the biggest growth areas for women are the same as they are for men. How do we create meaningful branded content experiences that drive the relevance, impact and necessity of broadband both at school and at home? There is a direct connection between broadband access and successfully preparing young people for college, career and citizenship. I believe that focusing your career in a direction that supports this work not only drives your personal job satisfaction, it also gives you a seat at the table to participate in a conversation that is center to most company agendas.
What/who inspires you at work? What/who inspires you outside the office?
That’s a simple one: teachers. Our nation’s educators inspire me most–along with the young people they guide who are using what they are learning in the classroom to literally change the world.
Best trick for maintaining the personal-professional life balance?
For me, it’s working in a purpose-driven culture. When you are passionate about your work, the lines that separate “personal” and “professional” aren’t so straight. The “work/life” balance question is one that I think is nearly impossible to answer. In my experience, there’s not one trick. It’s never a perfect balance and some days I succeed and some days I don’t. I do know however that I am fortunate to work for a company and a leader that really walks-the-talk when it comes to supporting healthy balance and prioritization. I also happen to have the world’s best husband, which probably helps too.