Jennifer Mirgorod
Mirgorod oversees the affiliate marketing department as well as Turner Private Networks, a subsidiary of Turner Broadcasting. She has worked to close multiple long-term multiplatform carriage deals and is involved in a number of additional contract negotiations with other distribution partners. To help decompress after a long day on the job, Mirgorod doesn’t immediately check emails after coming home each night. Not for “at least that first 90 minutes,” she says.
How can cable do better job at supporting the industry’s women?
Of course there’s always room for improvement, particularly in the number of women in senior executive positions, but I think Women in Cable & Telecommunications (WICT) does a tremendous job offering development and networking opportunities for women at all levels.
What’s been the biggest story in cable this year?
It’s got to be the announcement of the Comcast-Time Warner Cable merger and the subsequent announcements about Charter & GreatLand Communications. I think everyone in the industry has spent quite a bit of time this year trying to understand the impact this will have on our business.
How do you define a successful career?
I define success in a number of areas. First, having a track record of providing solid financial results and leadership for a company is a key metric. Second, developing strong mentoring relationships both within and outside of your company. That includes being known as someone who develops her team members and creates opportunities for them to have successful careers. Finally, for me a success at work cannot come at the expense of having an unfulfilling personal life. A successful career should enhance all aspects of your life.
Best trick for maintaining the personal-professional life balance?
I think I developed more balance in my life when I began to realize that I could, without feeling guilty, add personal activities or to-do’s to my normal workday. I certainly had no problem bringing my work home at night, so getting some personal items done during the day only makes sense! I have also made a big effort to put down my phone/email when I get home from work—for at least that first 90 minutes, I try to focus my attention on family time.
When not in the office, where are we most likely to find you?
Cooking, cycling, hiking and in general, spending time with my husband and two daughters.