Jamia Bigalow
Bigalow is an innovator, developing marketing initiatives that support the distribution of the services within Fox Networks’ portfolio. Under her leadership, the company’s distribution marketing team has earned numerous Promax/BDA Awards and CTAM Mark Awards. One key factor in finding the balance between work and recreation, Bigalow says, is limiting self-inflicted guilt. However, “I’m far from having it mastered,” she says.
How do you define a successful career?
To me, a successful career is one where I will look back and feel proud of the contributions that I’ve made to the business and to the people I’ve met along the way.
Best trick for maintaining the personal-professional life balance?
It’s tough and I am far from having it mastered. But, one trick that really helps: limiting the self-inflicted guilt.
When not in the office, where are we most likely to find you?
Lately? The soccer field – and that includes refereeing my daughter’s games, which seems to give my friends and family a good laugh.