Doug Sylvester
Chief Strategy Officer
Why Him? Sylvester’s smack in the middle of the digital world, with AvailTVN introducing two managed TV Everywhere services, VOD Complete and Multiplatform. The modular services allow operators and content creators to extend and enhance traditional television to IP/network-connected devices – PCs, fixed, portable and mobile – in an authenticated and authorized fashion.
Most Exciting Digital Opportunity for Cable: “TV Everywhere. Consumers want it and the cable Industry is well positioned to offer it as an extension of the traditional TV service.”
What You Miss About Analog: “Albums. I have crates of them stacked in my garage that I miss playing.”
What You Would Like Digital Devices To Do? “I’m ready to use my smartphone as a credit card.”
When Will Authentication Be A Success? “When Time Warner Cable rolls out TV Everywhere to my neighborhood.”
Most Valuable Trait for a Digital Executive: “Perspective. Not everything old sucks. Not everything new is transformative. But everything is open for questioning and reinvention.”