Courtney Menzel
Menzel has a deep understanding of the value found in working collaboratively with her peers, which is a good thing since she’s responsible for the strategic oversight of one of cable’s largest portfolios. To successfully sponsor someone in the industry, she feels taking an extra step is necessary. “Actively helping that person advance their career,” she says, “is what makes the real difference.”
What’s the most important aspect of mentoring?
I think understanding the difference between having a mentor and having a sponsor is really important. Sponsoring someone–advocating to help them get a job or promotion, giving them credit in meetings, introducing them to your network, actively helping that person advance in their career– is what makes the real difference in helping someone get ahead. Mentoring is one thing, but actually doing something is quite another.
Best trick for maintaining the personal-professional life balance?
I’m not sure I’ve really found personal-professional balance but, as I’ve gotten older, I definitely feel more confident in the choices I am making. That gives me a sense of peace which I guess is a sort of balance.
Your favorite trick for unwinding?
Other than hanging with my family and having a nice glass of wine, I’m still looking for one–I am open to suggestions.